"The Voice calling out to His Bride"

 Are you prepared to be Jesus' bride?

Do you know Satan's strategy to deceive the body of Christ?

We must know the demons' hidden warfare against the saints.

This message is for the most part for the church, rather than non-believers.

Please pray before you start listening these messages, it is for your own protection.

Many Christians shared that their lives are not the same after they listened these messages. They have been changed and transformed for the better.

This was selected from 140 hours of Korean sermons. With much prayer support and help of Holy Spirit, I was able to translate and record these messages. Please do not pay attention to the English accent, but rather focus on the content.

There are 29 hours of intense Bible teaching on the subject of

He comes like a thief in the night(1-7),  The bride of the Lamb(1-7),  The battlefield in the mind(1-7), 

Resist the evil spirit(1-7), The spirit of Python

Please feel free to make copies and to distribute. Time is short.

Click right mouse button and click Save Target As then you can save it to your computer as a mp3 format.

001 He comes like a thief in the night (1)

002 He comes like a thief in the night (2)

003 He comes like a thief in the night (3)

004 He comes like a thief in the night (4)

005 He comes like a thief in the night (5)

006 He comes like a thief in the night (6)

007 He comes like a thief in the night (7)

008 The bride of the Lamb(1)

009 The bride of the Lamb(2)

010 The bride of the Lamb(3)

011 The bride of the Lamb(4)

012 The bride of the Lamb(5)

013 The bride of the Lamb(6)

014 The bride of the Lamb(7)

015 Resist the evil spirit(1)

016 Resist the evil spirit(2)

017 Resist the evil spirit(3)

018 Resist the evil spirit(4)

019 Resist the evil spirit(5)

020 Resist the evil spirit(6)

021 Resist the evil spirit(7)

022 The battlefield in the mind(1)

023 The battlefield in the mind(2)

024 The battlefield in the mind(3)

025 The battlefield in the mind(4)

026 The battlefield in the mind(5)

027 The battlefield in the mind(6)

028 The battlefield in the mind(7)

029 The spirit of Phyton

** Maranatha **